

根據遊戲網站上的信息,一位不知名的用戶為即將推出的基於區塊的遊戲F1 Delta Time獲得了415.9以太(ETH)或110,600美元的虛擬賽車。

虛擬賽車 – “1-1-1” – 是第一個發布的車型,也是獨一無二的,拍賣頁承諾永不釋放更多。遊戲背後的公司Animoca Brands在以太網中進行限量版模型拍賣,為期四天,然後在收到31個出價後向用戶“09E282” 出售加密收藏品

In late March, Animoca Brands partnered with Formula 1 to ship the game, in which players collect virtual F1 cars and race against each other. According to the game’s official website, there are competitive in-game advantages to owning particular car models:

“The game will center around the collection and trading of unique Cars, Drivers and Components – all of which will exist as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) based on the ERC-721 token standard. […] Tokens are produced in limited quantities as determined by their level of rarity, with the rarest tokens possessing the most impressive racing attributes.”



與比特幣(BTC)的運作方式類似,Cryptokitties的總供應量是固定的,這意味著稀缺性有助於推動和維持其價值; 然而,與比特幣不同,小貓是NFT的一個例子,它們是非同質和不可分割的資產。

來源 : Cointelegraph.com

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