根據Blockchain技術部落格Modern Consensus的獨家報導,一家多幣種的匯款應用程式Cir
“Modern Consensus”引用了兩個不具名的消息來源,
然而,Circle董事會成員Raj Date被問及Poloniex收購時,告訴“Modern Consensus”
“我不能評論這樣的事情。 我現在在歐洲。 感謝您的支持。”
虛擬貨幣對沖基金BlockTower Capital的首席信息官Ari Paul否認了Twitter上任何交易訊息,他引用他在Cir
I just posted a link to an article asserting that Circle was acquiring Poloniex. Someone helpfully replied that the article was fake news. I confirmed with Circle that the article is not correct. Circle is not acquiring Polo (according to my circle source.)
— Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul) February 3, 2018
“Modern Consensus”是紐約觀察員前主編Ken Kurson創立的部落格,
另一個Twitter用戶回應Ari Paul並質疑他的Circle消息來源,同時Kurson會考
Do you think there is any possibility that your source at Circle is wrong or intentionally denying? Asking because the post on modern consensus is by Ken Kurson, who appears to be someone who would care for their reputation.
— Vlad Stanishev (@xbrkd) February 3, 2018
已經與監管機構接觸。監管機構給了一份KYC要求清單[了解你的 客戶],同時Circle答應滿足所有條件。”
來源 : Cointelegraph.com
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